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#1 - My Purpose for Journaling

Hello, my name is Sean. My tiny corner of the internet exists as a place to track my journey, with a focus on art and a little bit of life too. First, I’d like to lay out why I'm journaling.

With these writings I want to:

  1. Document my journey (life & art) as it progresses.

    1. Who am I? Why art?

    2. Trace my art path from childhood to now, and everything going forward

    3. Discuss my inspirations, artistic styles, and experiments with different mediums.

    4. Reflect on my artistic process and see how it evolves.

  2. Educate myself on art; past, present, future

    1. This is a huge gap for me that I fully intend to work on

Art has been part of my life since childhood. There have been periods where I haven’t been quite as active with it, but I always come back to it at some point. Over the last year I’ve been exploring my love for art more thoroughly than probably ever. Only after reading ‘Show Your Work!’ by Austin Kleon did it hit me—I should document this journey of mine. Kloen states,

“If you’re really interested in sharing your work and expressing yourself, nothing beats owning your own space online, a place that you control, a place that no one can take away from you, a world headquarters where people can always find you.”

I’m a nostalgic guy. I think about past events often, and I’d love to have a way to look back on my past self to see where I’ve come from and hopefully, it will provide guidance to my future self. I also have two kids, and I hope that maybe they’ll be interested in taking a peek at dad’s life somewhere down the line. For anyone else that may stop by, I’m more than happy to have you!

A few things to know about my current self as it impacts my writing:

  1. I love sarcasm...but prefer written communication vs verbal…so that can get weird and confusing sometimes. I’ll do my best to make my thoughts clear.

  2. I love using ellipsis...they'll be everywhere...

  3. I love lists...and tracking progress (which should be obvious due to this journal entering existence)...but there will be a lot of Wife says I keep far too many. (3 in this post alone)

  4. I love using gifs and emojis. Pictures really do paint a thousand words, especially moving pictures.

  • These posts will be written to an audience, even if that audience remains 1 (me).

  • I have zero engagement goals (yes...really). If others pop in and read, that's awesome.

  • I have a physical journal I write in daily, so a lot of that granular stuff will remain there, unless they spawn an idea for a topic I’d like to explore/expand on.

  • I have a goal of bi-weekly posts, but will adjust as needed.

Where to next? In the upcoming posts I'll share more about myself and my art. Who am I, why is art so important to me and I'll dive into my work!

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